What You Will Find at the Career Center

Resources at the Career Center

The Career Center is an excellent place to begin your career planning and to initiate your job search. In addition to the assistance of the professional staff, you will have access to probably the most complete library of job information and employer information available on campus. The following are some of the resources which may be available to you in the Career Center:

In short, the Career Center gives you access to a wealth of information which can be found nowhere else on campus, as well as real human beings with your best interests in mind to guide you and support you in the job search process. Make sure you take advantage of this valuable service.

Services of the Career Center

It is worth your while to request a listing of all the services provided by the Career Center, since all of the services offered are not always readily apparent from a simple visit to the office. In addition to personal career counseling, the Career Center typically coordinates the following activities:

The Career Center offers a wealth of resources and services. It's your job to find the job so take advantage of the free services available to you. It's up to you to reach out and put their resources and experience to work for you!

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Getting the Most Out of the Career Center